The SPOT new-build project in Hondsrugpark is so exciting that a vlog series is being made about it. Kristel Kuiper regularly keeps you informed about the latest developments in the construction industry. But she also introduces you to the hidden gems in the area. Super handy, because that way you immediately know where the best food spots, the most beautiful street art, the coolest camp sites and the nicest bars can be found. At Amsterdam’s newest residential location. If you have registered as an interested party, you will automatically receive a message when a new vlog is aired.Don’t want to miss any news about developments at Amsterdam’s new hot SPOT? Then register now and always be the first to receive the latest news. Do it right away!
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18 Juli 2023
SPOT #7 Tips van een hypotheekadviseur
Het afsluiten van een hypotheek kan ingewikkeld zijn. Hoe kies je tussen verschillende geldverstrekkers, hypotheekvormen en looptijden? De Kredieter helpt je bij het maken van de juiste keuze! Vlogger Kristel kreeg alvast een paar exclusieve tips. Je ziet het in de video!
Lees verder...
18 Juli 2023
#6 Op de bouwplaats met de makelaar
Ga met de makelaar mee naar de bouwplaats van SPOT! De werkzaamheden zijn in volle gang en SPOT begint langzaam maar zeker boven de grond uit te stijgen. In deze vlog leggen Kristel en Laurens je uit welke faciliteiten er in en rondom het project komen, en hoe de begane grond wordt ingevuld.
Lees verder...
23 november 2022
#5 Jonel Nugteren (Municipality of Amsterdam) on the future of Hondsrugpark
The construction of SPOT and the redevelopment of Hondsrugpark have started. But what exactly is it going to look like here? What can future residents expect? In this video, Jonel Nugteren of the Municipality of Amsterdam gives you the low-down on the future plans for the area!
21 juli 2022
#4 Architect Aldo Trim on Tower A1
Tower A1 is now on sale! A robust and high residential building of 31 floors with a total of 179 stylish City apartments, comfortable Grand apartments and spacious Penthouses.
Aldo Trim of KAAN Architecten takes a closer look at the special design of Tower A1 in this vlog.
08 juni 2022
How does a SPOT sale event look? Check out this 3rd vlog by Kristel. Kristel is also at the event to interview the estate agents who are giving interested parties important information about the new-build project.
11 mei 2022
#2 The best food spots in Hondsrugpark, Amsterdam
From tasty dishes to fresh drinks... In this episode, SPOT vlogger Kristel visits a selection of food spots in Hondsrugpark.
03 maart 2022
#1 Quartermaster Chiel on Hondsrugpark, Amsterdam’s newest city district
In this video, SPOT vlogger Kristel interviews Chiel Griffioen - quartermaster of Hondsrugpark Amsterdam. During a tour of the area, Chiel tells us all about the plans for the transformation and the special character of this brand-new urban district.